(Prov 21:11 ) An ignorant fool learns by seeing others punished; a sensible person learns by being instructed.
This morning we continue in the book of Proverbs - Walking in the Wisdom of God. Solomon has already driven home the fact none of us know everything. Flowing in that same vein, he now compares and contrasts how fools learn with how the sensible (or wise) learn. Since we all need to learn and since our lives should be a continual learning process, it would serve us well to understand the best ways to learn. Understanding that, before we get into today's lesson, I want to provide a quick recap of some of the lessons we have learned thus far in this series that prepare us for this lesson:
1. None of us is as smart as 'all of us.' The faster we recognize the fact that we can, and should, learn from others, the better off we will be.
2. We all make mistakes and get off course from time to time. Without course corrections we would stay off course and arrive at a place, at the end of our lives, that we don't want to be.
3. God instructs us and corrects us because He loves us. He loves us just the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way.
4. The faster we hear, receive, and apply the instruction/correction, the faster we will be developed into the persons the Father desires for us to be.
Now let's get into our lesson. The Message Bible paraphrase of this verse reads: "Simpletons only learn the hard way, but the wise learn by listening." Do you want to be the simpleton or the wise?
1. Simpletons wait until they see others experience harsh punishment, or until they experience it themselves, to learn: Have you observed a group of misbehaving kids or childish adults? You can talk to them until you are blue in the face, but once they have gone down the path of foolish activity it seems like they need to see someone get punished before they snap out of it. As soon as one child or childish adult gets punished the others quickly calm down. As soon as one teenager gets arrested the others 'wake up' and see the error of their ways. But why should it have taken that? Why can't the fool simply receive and respond to the counsel of the wise? I guess the answer is, because they are a fool!
2. The wise respond to a simple word of instruction/correction: Unlike the childish simpleton the wise are willing to hear and accept instruction and correction, because they know that without it they will never truly mature and develop into the person God desires for them to be. The truly wise actually welcome instruction and correction, because they have a sincere desire to learn, grow, and develop. Their wisdom teaches them to learn from as many people as possible and to welcome (not fight against) the instruction.
So what does this mean to you today? It means that you need to decide which type of person you want to be. Are you going to be the childish fool who has to see someone get into serious trouble before he makes a change or will you be the wise man who accepts and applies a simple word of instruction/correction? I have been both and I can tell you that the latter is much better! If you learn by words you won't have to experience the pain of wounds!
Father, I thank You for loving me enough to instruct me and correct me. You speak to me directly by Your Spirit and Your Word and also indirectly by sending others to me. Whether directly or indirectly, I declare, by faith, that I receive the instruction and correction You provide me, with WORDS, so that I don't have to experience or see others experience the pain associated with WOUNDS. Thank You for caring enough about me to see to it that I hear what I need to hear. And I also declare that as I hear it, I won't fight against it, but instead I will receive it, apply it, and be changed by it. I welcome instruction and correction! In Jesus' name. Amen!