(Prov 23:9 NLT) Don't waste your breath on fools, for they will despise the wisest advice.
This morning we continue in the book of Proverbs - This is the 10th Saying: an Admonition on Wasting Words on Fools. Have you ever tried to reason with a fool? There are three different Hebrew words translated "fool" in Proverbs and each has a slightly different meaning. The one used in this verse, which is the most common of the three, means: one who is thickheaded and stubborn. I am sure you have had your fair share of fruitless encounters with this type of fool. No matter how much you attempt to help him and no matter how sincere your effort is, he flat-out rejects or seeks to argue with everything you say.
This reminds me of something Solomon told us back in chapter 9. Solomon said: "If you reason with an arrogant cynic, you'll get slapped in the face; confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins. So don't waste your time on a scoffer; all you'll get for your pains is abuse. But if you correct those who care about life, that's different-they'll love you for it! Save your breath for the wise-they'll be wiser for it; tell good people what you know-they'll profit from it."
That pretty much sums it up. Solomon warns us about wasting our breath of fools, while at the same time urging us to teach, correct, and impart wisdom into those who have a teachable spirit. The point about being teachable takes us all the way back to the first chapter, where Solomon said, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and discipline" (1:7). Those that fear the Lord will receive what you have to say, but those that don't will despise Godly counsel and there is nothing you can do to force them to receive. That's why Solomon calls it is a waste of time and breath.
So what does this mean? A few things:
1. Be led of God when attempting to correct someone: If you attempt to correct or even share wisdom with someone who thinks they know it all, or are hardheaded and stiff-necked, not only will they reject the correction, but they will despise you for attempting to share it with them. So make sure you pray before you attempt to share divine wisdom with others. If you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, then He will lead you to the right people and He will bless the conversation, but if you attempt to go around correcting people - even if you are using scripture - and the Lord is not leading you to do it, then all you will do is cause unnecessary 'drama' for you, them, and all those around you.
2. Correcting the right people helps all parties involved: If you correct those the Father leads you to, then not only will they receive it, but they will respect you for caring enough about them to share what you did with them. Your correction of them will help them to make the course corrections they need to make, to stay on the path God wants them to take. Additionally, they will have an elevated opinion of you, because you were the tool God used to provide the correction/instruction they needed.
3. Be a F.A.T. Christian: When I became a Christian my Pastor taught me that I needed to be F.A.T.; which stands for: Faithful, Available, and Teachable. Never be the person who is not teachable. Be wary of the person that will not receive instruction or correction from anyone. That person has become the god of their own lives and they will soon find themselves spiraling out of control. If there are two things I have learned over my 13(+) years of Christian life, they are: 1) there is a God and 2) I am not Him!
Father, I thank You for taking the time to document Your wisdom in a book that is made available to me. When I read the Bible I get to sit down, one-on-one, with Your wisdom and I am thankful for it. Your Word teaches me and I receive it. I am also an open to receive from Your people. As you send people to me, I shall be faithful, available, and teachable. And then, as You teach and prepare me, I know I will get to the point where You will share through me, what you have shared with me. As You seek to use me as a tool to share with others, I declare that I will be careful to hear from You first. If I step out without Your leading I know I can stir up contention, confusion, and strife. Therefore, I will only approach those You lead me to approach, so that You can be glorified through me. Use me Father, today, for Your glory! In Jesus' name. Amen.
This is Today's Word! Apply it and Prosper!