(Prov 17:23 TNIV) The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.
Here Solomon teaches us about the integrity the Father expects us to walk in. If we are IN Him and He is IN us, then we should be like Him. I have taught you a great deal about the fact that God is love. That should be ingrained in your heart by now, but God is also light. In the New Testament John taught us that “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1st John 1:5). God is completely virtuous, true and righteous. There is no sin, no darkness, and no variableness in God and since we are called by His name, we are to be the same.
Now, does that mean we will never sin. Of course not, but it does mean that we should strive to avoid sin and to live in the righteousness that Christ Jesus died to give us. I know many preachers today don’t even mention sin and many believers are too consumed with what they can GET from God that they don’t focus at all on what they can BECOME in God. But make no mistake, God will not overlook sin. Jehovah expects us to walk upright everyday and if we sin, we are to quickly repent. Earlier in the New Testament Peter quoted what God said through Moses (in Leviticus), when He said, “You must be holy because I am holy” (1st Peter 1:16). There is not a lot of wiggle room there. You and I, as believers, are called to be holy.
This leads us to our text. Corruption is nothing new. In Solomon’s time, just like today, there were those who sought to use their money to buy a favorable verdict, when they knew they were clearly guilty. The person who gives the bribe and the judge who accepts it, are both called wicked here. While these people (lacking integrity) are willing to pervert the course of justice, they will not go unpunished. Both will eventually reap a harvest from the corruptible seed they have sown. Back in chapter 15 Solomon said, “Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live” (15:27).
A judge takes a vow to exercise righteous judgment and to serve the community, but when they distort the truth, for money, it turns justice into injustice. This is an exploitation of justice and when someone exploits others, without any sense of personal integrity or accountability, it deteriorates the moral fabric of the community. And for what? In chapter 10 Solomon told us that “tainted wealth has no lasting value” (10:2).
The Father is not against financial advancement, but He is against us pursuing it the wrong way. In chapter 28 Solomon said, “A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the LORD will prosper” (28:25). When you honor God in all your ways (being holy) you are able to prosper—spiritually, physically, socially, psychologically, and financially—without causing dissension, discord, and strife.
So what does this mean to you? A few things:
1. Walk in righteousness: God is never going to over look sin. If you do sin, quickly repent (1st John 1:9). Don’t allow it to linger and don’t allow yourself to fall into condemnation. The Holy Spirit will convict you, but He will never condemn you.
2. Walk in integrity: The Father expects you to say what you mean and to mean what you say. Let your “yes” be a true yes and your “no” be a true no. Align your words, thoughts, and actions with the Word of God. In other words: your audio must match your video.
3. Walk as light: You are called to be the light of the world (Mat 5:14). You are never going to draw sinners to God if you live just like they do. Be holy, be different, and allow the Father to shine His light through you, so that it can reach this dark, dying, and decaying world.
Father, You are Holy, therefore I am holy. I walk in the righteousness that Christ Jesus died to give me. I avoid sin altogether, but if I do sin, I will quickly acknowledge my sin, repent, receive Your forgiveness, forgive myself, and move on. I refuse to allow condemnation to keep me from Your best. I walk in integrity and I represent You well in all that I do. Lastly, I have been called out of darkness and into Your marvelous light, so I will walk in it. I submit to You and Your ways so that Your light will freely shine through me for the entire world to see. Use me to reach others with Your light and love today! In Jesus’ name. Amen!