(Prov 17:7 MSG) We don't expect eloquence from fools, nor do we expect lies from our leaders.
In the original language (Hebrew) the word used for fool here refers to one who lacks spiritual perception and sensitivity. This person does not or simply cannot hear from God and he has a track record of making thoughtless decisions. The word used for leader is a reference to a noble man, a man of position and prominence. Other translations use the word “prince” here. The contrast is between a man who is connected to God (who with divine insight is able to make wise decisions) and a man who is disconnected from God (who left to his own devices makes poor choices).
In painting this picture Solomon basically says that there are two things that can be very absurd: 1) A fool who attempts to speak as a wise and Godly man and 2) A Godly man that speaks as a lying fool.
The fool is pretending to be something that he is not and the prince (or leader) is acting in a way that is unbecoming of his position.
The Psalmist, said, “But God says to the wicked: “Why bother reciting My decrees and pretending to obey My covenant? For you refuse My discipline and treat My words like trash. When you see thieves, you approve of them, and you spend your time with adulterers. Your mouth is filled with wickedness, and your tongue is full of lies” (Ps 50:16-19).
God does not expect (and neither should we) the unbeliever to act like the believer. Jehovah expects the mouth of the wicked to be full of wickedness. When an unbeliever speaks lies it is no surprise to God and it should not be a surprise to us. However, when a person we all know to be wicked attempts to speak Godly things it does not come across well because his audio does not match his video. In other words, what he is saying and what we all know he is doing are not lining up.
God says, “Why bother reciting My decrees and pretending to obey My covenant?” In other words, “Don’t even try it.” Empty words mean nothing to God. When Jesus encountered people who were doing this He said, “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote, These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me” (Mat 15:7,8).
I believe Jesus said it best in Luke when He said, “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. You can tell what a tree is like by the fruit it produces… Good people do good things because of the good in their hearts. Bad people do bad things because of the evil in their hearts. Your words show what is in your heart” (Luke 6:43-45).
Sooner or later your words are going to tell on you. What is in you abundantly will come out of your eventually. So, you may be able to ‘fake the funk’ for a little while, but eventually your words will expose your true character.
So what does this mean to you ? It means different things to different people:
To the person without Christ it means: The Father is not looking for empty words from you. Your words don’t impress Him. Jehovah does not want your words He wants your heart. Don’t wait another minute. Submit to God and receive Jesus as Your Lord today!
To the person with Christ it means: The Father wants your audio and video to line up. If you are righteous (and you are), then you should not allow corrupt communication to proceed from your lips. Don’t lie, gossip, backbite, cuss, and etc. Speak like who you are: the righteousness of God in Christ!
Father, I declare, right now, that I will fill my heart with good things. I get Your Word down in my heart so strong that I can’t help but speak good things. I refuse to allow corrupt communication to proceed from out of my mouth. I speak things that edify, uplift, and minister grace to the hearers. My audio shall match my video, because I abstain from anything that is not becoming of You, Your character, and Your nature. Use me today Father to speak life over my family, over myself, and into others! In Jesus’ name. Amen!
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