Friday, February 4, 2011

Jairus and the Woman - Let's Review

Over the past three weeks we have looked at the case of the woman with the issue of blood and the case of Jairus and his dying daughter. While we have covered a lot of ground I want to point out that all of these events happened in one evening. Talk about "A Day in the life"! Jesus spent the morning and most of the afternoon teaching in parabolic form and He then spent the late afternoon and evening dealing with demons, disease, and death - exhibiting divine power over all three. Jesus even spoke to a storm along the way. Jesus no doubt lived an amazing life, but do you realize that He has called us to follow after His footsteps? Yes, that type of life is possible for both you and me, but we must live it in-faith, led of His Spirit, and in accordance with His Word.

The woman had been dealing with the issue for 12 years and the little girl was 12 years old. In other words the girl started breathing around the same time the woman started bleeding. Who would have known that their paths would cross 12 years later?

The contrast between these two needy people is striking and reveals the broadness of Jesus' power, love and mercy. Jairus was an important synagogue officer, but the woman, on the other hand, was an anonymous "nobody." One was known by everyone the other was hardly known at all because she had been living in a shell for 12 years, but yet Jesus welcomed and helped both with loving compassion.

Jairus was about to lose a daughter who had given him 12 years of happiness, excitement, and joy (Mark 5:42); and the woman wanted to lose an affliction that had brought her 12 years of sorrow, stress, and strain. Being a synagogue officer, Jairus was no doubt wealthy, but his wealth could not save his dying daughter.

The woman was already bankrupt! She had given the doctors all of her money, and yet none of them could provide a cure or even comfort. What's amazing to me is how both Jairus and the woman found the answers to their contrasting situations at the feet of Jesus (Mark 5:22 and Mark 5:33).

So what does this mean to you? Let's bring this from the then into the now, from the world of was-ness into the world of is-ness. What's your issue? What you are dealing with? What is causing you stress, struggle, strain and strife? What is the thing that is keeping you up at night?
This series is all about learning how to experience divine victory over negative stress and best place to start your journey towards victory is at the feet of Jesus! Powerful things happen at the Jesus' feet. Humble yourself, worship your Lord, fall at His feet, call on His name, acknowledge His power, reverence His throne, and you will find that He will meet you where you are.

Whether you are up or down, at the end or your rope or on the top of the world, struggling or sailing, in faith or afraid, in hope or in despair, Jesus is available to you today and there is a great exchange that takes place at His feet. Spend some time at His feet today and He will impart into you all that you need to start experience His best life NOW!

Father, I acknowledge no other deity. I call on no other name. You alone sit on the circle of the earth. You alone have all things in and under control. You alone are the King of kings. You alone are the Lord of lords. I have only one Lord and His name is Jesus the Christ. Father, I have accepted Your Son as my Savior and Lord and I declare that I will spend time at His feet daily. At Jesus' feet I find peace. At Jesus' feet I experience Your power. At Jesus' feet I receive Your direction. At Jesus' feet I enjoy Your protection. At Jesus' feet I exchange my worries, cares and concerns for Your joy, love, and wisdom. I find victory over stress at Jesus' feet! I declare this by faith. In Jesus' name. Amen!

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