(Mark 5:41,42 NIV) He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!" (which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!"). Immediately the girl stood up and walked around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished.
By the time Jesus finally made it to Jairus' house He had to get past the gossips looking for a story, the neighbors bringing in casseroles, and the mourners who were already emoting. The presence of the mourners is proof that the girl was actually dead; for the family would not have called them if there had been even the slightest hope that the girl was still alive. But Jesus said unto them, "Why all this commotion and weeping? The child isn't dead; she's only asleep." The word "sleep" Jesus used is the exact word Paul uses in 1 Corinthians 15 referring to the death of believers. To the believer death is only sleep, for the body rests until the moment of resurrection (1 Thes 4:13-18). The spirit, however, does not sleep; in death, the spirit of the believer leaves the body (James 2:26) and goes to be with Christ (Phil 1:20-23). It is the body that sleeps, awaiting the return of the Lord and the resurrection (1Cor 15:51-58).
As soon as Jesus assured them that the child was not dead but sleeping, their tears turned to mockery and scorn. Undaunted, Jesus took the immediate family to the motionless child, and taking her by the hand, said in Aramaic, "Little girl, I say to you, arise." Immediately the twelve-year-old girl got up and walked. The relatives were stunned and doubtless delirious with joy. Not only was the little girl alive again, but she was healed of her sickness; she was able to get out of her bed and walk around. Then Jesus, always the loving physician, instructed the astounded parents to give her something to eat.
Jairus' situation was over, but there are two things I need to highlight about what happened. First is the method. We know that Jesus could have simply spoken a word from the seashore and Jairus' daughter would have been healed. But I have already explained to you that Jairus' faith was not at that point. As Jairus petitioned Jesus he said, "Come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live." Jairus wanted Jesus to physically come to His house and physically lay His hands on his daughter and that is exactly what Jesus did.
I don't know if you noticed it, but when Jesus got to the motionless child He took her by the hand. That subtle act was actually an answered prayer. Secondly, Jesus really did raise this little girl from the dead. This is extremely important to understand because, humanly speaking, death represents the worse possible scenario. I would venture to say that whatever you are dealing with this morning pales in comparison to what Jairus was dealing with and if Jesus could manifest His glory and exercise victory over death, then surely He can exercise victory over whatever you are dealing with. No matter how difficult your situation may seem, there is NOTHING too hard for God!
So what does this mean to you? Two things:
1. The Father will meet you at your level of faith. Wherever you are today, weak or strong faith, He can meet you where you are. Ask Him to!
2. There is nothing too hard for God. He is absolutely limitless. Remove whatever artificial limits you have placed on your limitless God and watch Him show up in your life!
Father, I thank You for meeting me where I am today. There are times when my faith is strong and You meet me there. There are also times when my faith is weak, and I am thankful that by Your grace You come down to meet me there. You always meet me at the level of my faith and for that I am thankful. I declare, by faith, that I will develop my faith to the point where I am consistent, strong, fixed, and focused. I understand that there is nothing too hard for You. You are a limitless God and I determine today to remove every artificial limit that I have placed on You so that You can freely operate in my life as You desire. Your Word gives me hope, Your promises give me confidence, and Your Spirit gives me comfort and power. I am equipped to experience Your best today! In Jesus' name. Amen!
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