Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Entering Into God's Rest (Part III)

(Heb 4:2 NIV) For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.

Last week we closed out with this verse and we go back to it this morning to reiterate the faith-factor in receiving God's rest. The gospel (good news) that the writer refers to in this passage was the good news that the Lord was giving the newly freed Israelites the land of Canaan, the land promised to the forefathers to give them. The Lord told Moses that He was giving them the land and that he was to send in 12 spies to survey the land, to bring back evidence of the land's goodness, and to perform reconnaissance of the inhabitants because taking possession of the land would require a fight. Moses told the people what God said (he preached the gospel), the spies went into the land, they brought back physical evidence of how good the land was, but they then made the fatal mistake of allowing fear to cancel out their faith. Because the land was inhabited by giants (the Anakin), 10 of the 12 spies developed a 'grasshopper mentality' and told the people that there was no way that they could do it. Although 2 of the 12 (Joshua and Caleb) did their best to drive home the message (preach the gospel) that they COULD do it, that they COULD take possession of the land, that they COULD enter into God's rest, the crowd (millions of people) sided with the 10 instead of the 2 and the rest, as the say, is history.

Millions of people wound up dying in the desert without ever entering into God's best, all because of unbelief.

So what does this mean to you? You may be thinking, "I got it, I have read the story, but what does this have to do with dealing with stress and what does this have to do with me?" Actually, several things:

1. Rest is part of the promises of God: The Father wanted rest for the Israelites and He wants rest for you today. When I say "rest" I don't mean 'laying down on the couch' or 'taking a nap.' I mean a supernatural internal peace that enables you to maximize your purpose and potential in life, because without it, you can easily cross over into frustration. Frustration is: "A feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems." Will there be times when you feel like you have unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems? Of course there will be, but that's where divine rest comes in. The Father wants you to trust Him SO much that you can truly rest, even while you are waiting on the manifestation of His promises in your life. Because if you don't enter His divine rest, the enemy can creep in and get you to lose heart, to relax the grip on your faith, and to give up!

2. The promises of God must be received by faith: Like anything else in the Kingdom of God, divine rest must be received by faith. The Israelites in the text failed to mix faith with what they heard and their lack of faith led to a catastrophic failure where millions of people missed experiencing God's best. Don't let this be said of you. Live by faith, engage the Father in faith, and enter into divine rest by faith!

3. Even though God wants you to have it, it does not mean you will not have to fight for it: Not a physical fight, but rather the good fight of faith. The Hebrew writer goes on to say, "Let us labor to enter into that rest" (v.11). Remaining in God's rest is not always easy. The enemy will do his best to get you over into fear, fret, and frustration, but you must be strong enough NOT to allow him to. Once you are in God's rest you must fight to remain there.

When the negative thoughts enter into your mind, you must take control of them and bring them captive into the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:3-5). If you do that, you will be able to enjoy divine rest daily!

Father, I thank You for taking the time to show me the type of divine rest that is possible through Your Word and Your Spirit. I declare, by faith, that I enter into that rest today. I receive the Word, I mix it with faith, I apply it to my life, and I enter into Your rest. I trust You with my whole heart, I believe You can do all things in and through my life, I live by faith, and my life of faith enables me to LIVE every day in Your rest. When the enemy attempts to get me out of Your rest, I will resist every negative thought and bring them captive to the obedience of Christ. I will not allow myself or the enemy to get me OUT of Your rest. I live in a stress-free environment from this day forward. I face challenges by faith, fully confident that You will bless me to overcome them! In Jesus' name. Amen!

This is Today's Word!

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