Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Story of Mephibosheth (Part IV)

(2nd Sam 9:3 NIV) The king asked, "Is there no one still alive from the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness?"

This morning we continue our series: "Victory over Stress!" Last week I introduced you to Mephibosheth and his tragic story. One of the most tragic things about this story was the fact that Mephibosheth called himself a dead dog. Actually, many Christians today have the same problem. They may not call themselves a dead dog, but they have a low self-esteem because of:

1. Repetitious Information: You eventually believe (and become) what you consistently receive. Mephibosheth was more than likely - because of his environment - exposed to conversations of failure, frustration, and disappointment. The people around him were associated with Saul's regime and probably talked about the "good 'ole times," without any hope of future success. Make no mistake, what you allow through your ear gates will eventually get down into your heart. And then, what it is in you abundantly will come out of you eventually. Jesus said it this way, "Your words show what is in your heart. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things." The quality and type of your words are a direct indication of the quality and condition of your heart. Your heart is your reservoir, it is filled with what you allow through your eye and ear gates. If you hear or see the wrong things, you will become the wrong person. Mephibosheth said he was a dead dog because that's how he saw himself in his heart. If you feed yourself the wrong things you too might wind up saying things you don't like, but if you look deeper you will have to admit that your words are actually exposing the condition of your heart.

2. Personal Experiences: Mephibosheth experienced a string of unfortunate events. Since the age of five, all he knew was struggle. So while Mephibosheth's words are sad, they are understandable. We are all, in one way or another, a product of our environment and a product of our experiences. Maybe you can identify with Mephibosheth this morning. Maybe you too have experienced a string of unfortunate events lately. You may be thinking, "Yeah! I have a right to vent. I have a right to be frustrated! I have a right to complain." You may have that right, but the difference between you and Mephibosheth is that you have JESUS and He is the difference maker. Jesus will identify with your struggle, but He will also expect you to maintain your hope through it. James said, "Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course!" (5:11,12 MSG).

So what does this mean to you ? A few things:
1. You become what you behold: Whatever you allow through your ear and eye gates will be what your life-sponge soaks up. When the pressure is on your life-sponge will release whatever you have allowed in. Garbage in, garbage out! Righteousness in, righteousness out!
2. Speak the language of faith: If you protect your eye and ear gates, and engage God with a believing heart, you be able to speak words of faith. The language of faith always aligns itself with God's will. Resolve to speak the language of faith today!
3. Look forward in faith: No matter how disappointing your past was and no matter how difficult your present is, if you are still alive, and God is IN you, then you can make it; and not only make it, but you can experience VICTORY! Enter today with a 'forward-ever, backward-never' mentality!

Father, I refuse to allow the pain of my past or the challenges of my present to cause me to see myself defeated. I see myself as You see me and I force myself to speak the language of faith. I speak the Word ONLY! I speak life and not death, blessing and not cursing, and victory and not defeat every day of my life! I refuse to quit. I refuse to throw in the towel. I refuse to relax the grip of my faith. I have STAYING POWER. I am in this faith-walk for the long haul. No matter what the enemy brings my way, I will never allow his attacks to cause me to give up my hope. My hope is firm, fixed, and focused on You Father. I am never hopeless, because with You I am never helpless! I enter this day with great expectations! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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