Don't get weary in your waiting. You are too close and too far along to back out now. Don't stop-maybe this is what it looks like right before the heavens break and He emerges through the matrix of time to manifest His glory among us. If you are waiting on a promise from God, fan the flames of your desperation and put it on display. Make that nagging phone call to heaven and tell Him, "Daddy, I want You!"
Nearly every meeting I attend (and I lost track long ago), I tell myself, "Maybe this is the night He will come…maybe this is the day He will reveal Himself once again." Sometimes I get weary, but most of my fatigue stems from impatience with "man things."
I'm hungry for Him, not for His earthy assistants. I love the people of God complete with all of their oddities, differences, and special quirks. The only thing for which I have no patience is the stuff of humanity posing as the stuff of Divinity. When I'm hungry for Him and His, nothing else will do.
Are you weary with empty religion and man-produced revival? Are you afraid you will end the chase just before God shows up? (You should be-He is close to you if you are really desperate.)
Worship is the process where we find Him in our wholeness. Brokenness is the process whereby God finds us in pieces. I am convinced that God hides when we think nothing is wrong, just to preserve the freshness of encounter. We are in our most dangerous state when we think everything is fine and we are "satisfied" with life
The Bible says even the rocks and trees will cry out to God if we don't. What is so special about the worship of humanity that draws divinity close? For one thing, we don't have to do it. Our worship is really special when we finally come to our senses and offer Him what we were created to give Him-freely given worship offered in spirit and in truth.
True worship can only be offered from a humble heart consumed with love for Him. That is what makes your worship special in those times when you are relatively "whole" and everything seems to be fine. It is worship precisely because you choose to take your eyes off of yourself and your wants long enough to acknowledge the He is the center of your universe. He is the Creator and you are His creation; and you love Him simply because He is.
Do you find the pace of your chase slowing down when things seem to be going well in your life? To put it another way, do you pursue Him with more passion and urgency when things are going wrong in your life? How can you "step up the pace" of the pursuit even during the good times?
For better or for worse, most of us find it easier or more natural to pursue God's face with fresh passion during difficult times. Perhaps it is part of our nature, or maybe God designed it that way knowing we would face regular challenges in our daily lives. Either way, life is always better when we're "following hard after God" than when we chase our own fleeting dreams and fantasies apart from Him.
… God has no need to "hide" from us in our times of crises or self-cultivated hunger. When we fall into sin and hurt ourselves or grow desperately frustrated during the pursuit, God immediately shows up. The game is up because the purpose of joy is discovery, not the chase itself.
For the same reason, the Father takes joy in transforming God Chasers into God Catchers. He likes to let you catch Him! The purpose of the pursuit is the finding, not the hiding, and nothing changes the hiding into the finding so quickly as the cry God can't deny
How do you cultivate hunger for Him in good times? Do you make a daily habit of reading His Word, remembering the joy of His presence, and lingering over every memory of His faithfulness in your life and the lives of others? Does this process sound similar to the patterns we often follow in human relationships?
What Do You Think?
It is time to put a demand on the passion of God. If He ripped the veil of separation in Jerusalem two thousand years ago, then He will rip apart anything that separates you from Him now. He will rip through every obstacle in your life if you put a demand on His passion. You have no idea how much how much He loves you. Let your worship and hunger cry out to Him in desperation right now
1. What do you think? Does this statement sound too good to be true? Why? 2. If you doubt whether or not "now" is the time to put a demand on the passion of God, then ask yourself, "When is the right time?" God has been waiting for thousands of years-why should He wait for you even one day longer?
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 126:5-6, in which tearful sowers are encouraged and chronic seed bearers are assured of a harvest. 5 Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.
6 He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.
Father, I miss You. Thanks to Your favor and faithfulness, things go "right" in my life much of the time. In the bad times, when my life, my health, my family members, or my financial security are threatened by the circumstances of life; I have no problem running to You. That is when I struggle to hold the course until You come. It is in the good times that I most often fail to seek You with passion and urgency. The truth is that I am always in a crisis apart from Your presence. I need You moment by moment, I long for Your presence every minute of my life and beyond. Keep me desperately hunger and passionate for You, Lord; and lead me not into the temptation of satisfaction and dullness of heart.
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