Friday, April 16, 2010

Love is and Obligation

(John 13:34,35 MSG) “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples – when they see the love you have for each other.”

This is the final message of a week where we looked back to look forward. I trust you enjoyed it.

Our focus text came at a time when Jesus prepared to bring His earthly ministry to an end. He had already made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem (in chapter 12), the feast of the PASSOVER was just a few days away, and the disciples did not know it, but Jesus Himself would be the PASSOVER lamb; conquering death once and for all. Jesus predicted His death in the latter part of the 12th chapter and the teaching He gave His disciples in chapters 13-18 was the last teaching they received prior to the crucifixion (chapter 19). So you can see that this teaching came a critical time in both Jesus’ and the disciples’ lives.

What I want to focus in on this morning is the word “command.” In the traditional King James Version this word is translated “commandment.” Commandment is a more common term for believers in that we are familiar with the 10 Commandments. Most people understand commandments like “thou shalt not kill,” or “thou shalt not steal;” Jesus called this a commandment. As a matter of fact, I will teach later how Jesus clearly taught us that loving God and loving man were the greatest commandments.

The point is the love is not an option. Operating in love is not merely being nice to people. Operating in love is not just tolerating their ways. Operating in love involves a lot more than just superficial niceties and we will never fulfill the commandment to love if we do not understand the love of God. That is the purpose of this series – to expose you to the facets of God’s love – and tomorrow we will begin our journey by looking at different types of love. So with that, I get back to my focus for this morning, which is the fact that love is a commandment.

A commandment is an order, direction, or requirement; based on the authority of the person giving the commandment.

A suggestion is different. A suggestion is an attempt to influence without the qualification of authority. Jesus was not suggesting here, He was not attempting to simply influence them (and us). Jesus started His final instructions to His disciples by letting them know that He, based upon His authority in their lives, would require them to operate in the love of God. This requirement was not limited to just the original disciples. No believer is exempt from this commandment.

So for all those that say they are looking for something to do in God, you don’t have to look any further. If you want to do something in God, with God, and for God, then you can simply start by loving one another. You are commanded to do it and it is even more important that not stealing, not killing, or not committing adultery.

So what does this mean to you? It means that being a true Christian leaves you without an option when it comes to loving others. It means that God did not qualify whom you should love by saying that you could love those you like and hate those you dislike. It means that God was not just simply suggesting that operating in love is a good thing to do if ever get around to it. No! Love is a commandment, love is a requirement, love is an obligation, and love is a lifestyle! Enter this day determined to operate in the love of God.

Father, I know that You commanded me to love. I understand that I do not have an option. I declare, by faith, that Your love in me is stronger than my impulses to hate, ignore, disregard, and shun. Your love in me helps me to love those I dislike and to operate in goodness towards those that mistreat me. The more I operate in love, the more I become like You. The more I become like You, the more You are pleased with my life. The more You are pleased with my life, the more I will enjoy Your favor, peace, blessing, and increase. I face this day in Your love, with Your love, and empowered by Your love! In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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