Tuesday, January 26, 2010


(Prov 16:11 NLT) The LORD demands accurate scales and balances; He sets the standards for fairness.

In this verse Solomon talks to us about accurate scales and balances. This is not the first time he has broached the subject. Back in chapter 11 he said, “The LORD abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delight” (v.1).

So, from these two verses we know that God demands accurate scales and He abhors (that is a very strong word, by the way) dishonest ones. But what does this mean? To understand this verse we must understand the setting.

Solomon is writing at a time where scales were very important. In Biblical times the two main sources of income were flocks and fields. Most men were either farmers (raising crops) or herdsmen (raising animals); some did both. Scales were used – and are still used today – in the marketplace. Customers paid for items based upon their weight.

So in this type of business, the scale is a key factor. The scale is what determines how much customers will pay. It was a common practice for unscrupulous vendors to altar their scales, so that the customer would pay more for an item than they should. This dubious practice gave the vendor an unfair advantage and it provided for ill-gotten profit.

In Deuteronomy the Lord told the Israelites to avoid this practice, saying: “Don't try to cheat people by having two sets of weights or measures, one to get more when you are buying, and the other to give less when you are selling” (25:13,14).

The Lord’s point was that the Israelites – and we, as believers – should not participate in the unrighteous practices of the world. There should be something different about us. People should know us as honest, industrious, and hard-working men and women of integrity. Once your integrity is in question, most people of integrity will make every attempt to avoid doing business with you.

It was the government’s job to maintain a Bureau of Standards. Solomon had people in place to go out and check the scales used in business. But here Solomon tells us about a higher Bureau of Standards. The Message Bible paraphrase of this verse reads: “GOD cares about honesty in the workplace; your business is his business.” God Himself monitors our business practices and He documents any and all crooked activity.

Listen, I know the economy has not been booming lately and the pressure to make ends meet is pushing many to be dishonest in their pursuit of survival, but never compromise your integrity for a dollar. No matter how much pressure, the Father expects you to maintain His standard. There is no middle ground: God demands honesty in every business transaction. No amount of rationalizing can justify dishonesty in the marketplace.

So what does this mean to you? It means that the Father is interested in ALL that you do. Jehovah doesn’t care how much you praise Him in church is you are going to discredit him at work. He wants you to represent Him every day and in every way! Seek to be His ambassador by doing this HIS WAY and don’t buckle to the pressure to compromise!

Father, I thank You for laying out Your standard! Your standard is righteous, virtuous, and true. I seek to uphold your standard daily, in business and in all my dealings. I resist every temptation to do wrong. I resist the pressures of this world that attempt to get me to violate my integrity. I trust You as my source and I know that I will always be taken care of. I walk upright before You and man daily. I deal honestly and fairly. I am Your ambassador and I represent You well in all that I do! In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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