Friday, January 8, 2010

Vision/purpose for 2010

(1st Cor 6:12 MSG) Just because something is technically legal doesn't mean that it's spiritually appropriate. If I went around doing whatever I thought I could get by with, I'd be a slave to my whims.

This morning we will close out on vision/purpose for 2010. My goal this week was to give you a few things to think and pray about as you prepare for the New Year. My prayer for you is that you are able to spend the time needed to receive direction (or vision) from God and to document it (on paper), so that you and your family can use it as a guide as you seek to maximize your efforts in 2010.

Purpose-driven and vision-focused people are individuals who know where they are going and who go to great lengths to get there. In our focus text Paul tells us that just because we can do something, it does not mean that we should. What is beneficial for one person can be detrimental to another. That is why we must all understand our individual assignments and why we should have a clear God-given vision.

What does a written Vision provide?
• A ruler by which to judge decisions.
• A guide for your family to follow.
• A basis for prayer.
• Focus to your prayer life and your study time.
• Clarity and it helps bring unity of purpose to your family on what you should be (collectively) praying for. Amazing things happen when your entire family operates in faith for God to open doors and to bring to pass what you are believing Him for!

Once you receive the vision, translate it into a plan. That vision should give birth to a plan and your plan must have quantifying goals. Goals are steps toward a desired end. A goal is a measurable objective, not a wishful thought. Also, as you seek God for vision for 2010 and He begins to speak to you, let me give you a word of warning.

Be careful not to avoid something that God shows you, just because you don’t know how He will bring it to pass! Remember, if it’s His will, then it’s His bill!

For me He asked me to do something that in the natural seems imposable but I will be obedient and see how He moves. I know what he says in his word that His plan that we should all i prosper.

Some keys to remember about vision:
1. God’s vision will always extend you beyond your ability and your comfort zone.
2. God’s vision will always require His provision.
3. Never worry about how. If God gives you the vision, He will release provision. If it’s a God-given dream, then He will intervene!
4. Your job is to:
a. Believe it – this opens the door to the possibility of it in your life.
b. Receive it in your heart – this is where you settle the issue in internally and you close the door to worry.
c. Declare it with your mouth – this will help you release your faith; speak faith-filled words and NEVER speak against the vision!
d. Step out in faith for it with your actions – faith without works is dead!

I will close with the words of Dr. Myles Munroe: “The primary value of purpose is the translation of vision derived from purpose into a plan of action. Purpose maximizes energy and gives time meaning. Purpose protects you from being busy, but not effective… Purpose that is translated into a vision causes things to happen and people to act. This is true because purpose creates vision, vision produces goals, goals permit the development of a plan and a plan allows for an orderly journey.”

Father, I thank you for an orderly, but exciting, journey in 2010. As I prepare for this year I declare, by faith, that I will receive clear vision from You and that the vision will guide me and my family as we seek to maximize all that You would have us to do this year. As you give me vision I will believe it, receive it in my heart, declare it with my mouth, and step out in faith towards it! This year shall be the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE! In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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