Monday, October 4, 2010

A Faithful Man (Woman)

(Prov 20:6 KJV) Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

This morning we continue in the book of Proverbs My mother used to say, "Statements are taken based upon who said them." Her point was that you must take the person's background and perspective into account when considering what they had to say. When you read this verse you must consider the fact that Solomon was a sitting king. He dealt with other heads of state and a multitude of his own leaders on a regular basis. He knew that people were on their best behavior when they stood before a king, so he also knew that a good portion of what he heard was peppered with superfluities. Person after person would stand before Solomon and promise to delivery thus and so, but the reality is that only a portion of those who promise actually perform as promised. Further, many of those who promised and delivered only did so once or twice. Finding someone who promises and performs on a routine basis - day after day, month after month, year after year - is hard. Solomon was looking for leaders who would consistently and faithfully perform for the long haul.

Guess what? God is looking for the same thing. How many people stand before God claiming to be faithful? How many people get before God's presence and promise to do better? And of those people, how many actually deliver on those promises? Now, I am not talking about being faithful for a week, or a month, or even a year. I am talking about being faithful God to for the long haul. How many people do you know who were once fired up about God but have now lost their way? How many do you know who were once on-fire, but are now burned out? But let's not just talk about God, how many people do you know who promised to be there for you, forever, but now they won't even call? People can claim this or that, but at the end of the day, it is simply hard to find someone who is going to be faithful and loyal for the long haul.

I am by no means a perfect woman. But one thing I have strived to be is steady and faithful. Let's use Today's Word as an example. Back in December of 2004 the Father told me to get up every morning and write a devotional. I vowed to God that I would and that I would continue to do it until He told me to stop. Well, here we are, over 6 years later, and I can tell you that I have gotten up every morning, five days a week (Monday through Friday), for these past 7 years and have reported for duty. I get up, pray, get in front of the computer, and type whatever the Father tells me to type. I have done this regardless of where I have been what time I needed to be at work (sometimes very early in the morning), or whether or not I was on vacation. Why? Because I made a vow to the Lord and I have sought to be faithful to it.

So what does this mean to you? It means that you should pause long enough to ask yourself this question: am I being faithful? Am I faithful God and to His purpose for my life? If you cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, then it is time to make some changes. James told us that life is a gift to those who stay the course; he taught us about staying power (see James 5:10,11). Most of us claim to be faithful and loyal, but are you really doing it? Are you staying the course, day after day, month after month, and year after year? Solomon asked, "A faithful man, who can find?" Today you should say, "Here I am Lord, look no further!"

Father, I thank You for Your grace and Your Spirit. I declare, by faith, that I will be faithful and loyal all the days of my life. I know there is no retirement plan for the believer. Therefore, I will be faithful to You and to Your plan for my life, until the day that I die. I refuse to die with my purpose still IN me. I am committed to dying empty. I WILL arrive at Your ultimate destination for my life; and I will get there by being faithful EVERY day and in EVERY way. Every day will take me incrementally closer to Your ultimate destiny. I don't take any days off. I am a believer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, every year of my life! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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