Friday, June 3, 2011

I wanted to share this with you all I hope that it will set whom ever this is for free.

I used to worry a lot. The more I fretted, the more proficient I became at it. Anxiety begets anxiety. I even worried that I worried too much! Ulcers might develop. My health could fail. My finances could deplete to pay the hospital bills.

A comedian once said, "I tried to drown my worries with gin, but my worries are equipped with flotation devices." While no longer a drinker, I certainly could identify! My worries could swim, jump and pole vault!

To get some perspective, I visited a well known, my mentor who listened as I poured out my concerns and then she said, “you need to learn to wait to worry."
As the words sank in, I asked her if she ever spent time fretting. (I was quite certain he wouldn't admit it if she did.) To my surprise, she confessed that in years gone by she had been a top-notch worrier!
"I decided that I would wait to worry! She explained. "I decided that I'd wait until I actually had a reason to worry-something that was happening, not just something that might happen-before I worried."

"When I'm tempted to get alarmed," she confided, "I tell myself, you've got to wait to worry! Until you know differently, don't worry.' And I don't. Waiting to worry helps me develop the habit of not worrying and that helps me not be tempted to worry."

I frequently ask people what they were worried about this time last year. I get a lot of laughs, because most people can't remember. Then I ask if they have a current worry - you see nods from everybody. Then I remind them that the average worrier is 92% inefficient - only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true.

Most of us want to be positive. It's advantageous to possess a sunny outlook. Doors open to optimists. They make friends, earn respect; produce loyal friend, and others enjoy and want to be like them.

Charles Spurgeon said it best. "Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength."

So lets give God all our worries and cares!!!

Love you all,

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