Monday, January 3, 2011

The Next Level in 2011

(Phil 1:21 &Rom 8:18 KJV) For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain... For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

First of all, the customary thing is for me to wish you a Happy New Year, but I am going to do better than just wish you a Happy New Year, I am praying that you experience the best year of your life; and to help, I am called to provide you God's Word on a daily basis. I gave my life to Christ August 1999 and if there is anything that I have learned over the past years of walking with the Father is that His Word must be the foundation for our walk. So with that in mind, I ask you to join with me as we journey through the Word this year. The Father had me to start Today's Word in 2006

The Father has had me teach on many topics and through various series' over the years. As you know, we are still walking our way through the book of Proverbs. The Proverbs series started over a year ago and it will probably take us into next year before we can get through the entire book. Since this series is so long, the Father periodically takes me on excursions through other mini-series', like the one we are on right now. This series on stress (Help I am getting Stressed out) and the - Biblical ways to handle and deal with negative stress."

But over the Christmas break the Father dealt with me about the title and I believe He led me to change it to: "Victory over Stress!" We don't want to just deal with negative stress, or simply handle it, but rather conquer over it so that it has no dominion or power over us. That's the type of life the Father desires for us to have.

2010 was a difficult year for many. Personally I experienced some of my greatest challenges in 2010, but I also - by the grace of God - experienced some of my greatest victories! As believers, while we don't go out looking for challenges, challenges do give us an opportunity to stand in faith, to believe God, to resist satan, and to watch God show-up and show-out in mighty ways on our behalf.

The Father never promised us a perpetual picnic, but He did give us His Spirit, His Word, and His power, so that we can come out of every challenge ON TOP! It's not that believers don't face challenges, it's just that we face them in-faith, confidently believing that God's glory will be manifested through it and that at the end of the day, the enemy will regret that he ever messed with us. It's almost like if satan knew any better he would leave us alone. The more he messes with us, the greater our testimony.
As we prepare for 2011, let's develop the attitude of Paul. Paul said, "For me, to live IS CHRIST." What if the enemy said, "Ok Paul, if you for to live is Christ, then I am going to kill you"? Paul would say, "That's OK. Because for me, to die IS GAIN!" So what if the enemy then said, "Well, then I won't kill you and I won't let you live in peace, I will make you suffer"? Paul would say, "That's OK too, for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the coming glory to be revealed to us!" In other words, if you let me live I'll serve the Lord, if you kill me I'll go on to glory, and if you make me suffer I will have a bigger crown when I get there! There is NOTHING you can do to stop me from walking with the Father and maximizing His purpose and potential in my life!

That's the type of attitude we need to have as we prepare for 2011.

So what does this mean to you? Don't let whatever pain you may have experienced in 2010 keep you from the progress the Father wants you to experience in 2011. Develop the attitude of Paul, thank God for what's behind you, but focus on what's before you.

2011 can be the BEST year of your life, if you decide to partner with God, to pursue Him on a greater level, to tune your ear to His voice, and to obey Him AT ALL costs. The Father wants nothing less than ALL of you. Will you give yourself FULLY over to God this year? If so, you will experience Him like never before and whatever challenges you face will pale in comparison to your relationship with the Father! Developing your relationship is the key to unlocking all He has for you!

Father, I look back and I say, "Thank You" for both the blessings and the challenges. 2010 is behind me and I enter 2011 with a "Forward-Ever, Backward-Never" mentality. I develop the attitude of Paul and I refuse to allow anything or anyone to keep me from growing in You, from doing Your will, and from maximizing my purpose and potential before I die. This year I strive to take my relationship with You to the next level. I will pursue You, not things, with a bulldog-tenacity. I want to know You greater. My heart yearns for greater intimacy with You and to hear Your voice clearer and more frequently. As I experience You on a greater level in 2011, 'the best year of my life' will simply be the by-product of our relationship! I declare this by faith. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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