Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Story of Jairus and His Dying Daughter (Part III)

Today's Word

(Mark 5:22-24 NIV) Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live." So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.

have been dealing with Jairus for a few days now and yesterday I highlighted the fact that Jairus moved Jesus to action by speaking faith-filled words. I have actually done quite a bit of teach on the importance of our words. Here are a few links to the following series that I pray will bless you: "The Message in Your Mouth," "Mastering Your Mouth," and "The Revelation of Your Confession."

In yesterday's message I made this statement: "The woman, the centurion, and Jairus all spoke faith-filled words and in each case they received EXACTLY what they said!" By now you know the woman pretty well and you are getting to know Jairus, but le me tell you a little about the Centurion.

A Centurion was a Roman military officer who was in charge of 100 soldiers. The underlying force of the Centurion's faith was his understanding of authority. He understood that the people he had authority over had to submit to him. If he said, "go," people went. If he said, "do," people did. He was not Jew, so he probably did not know the scriptures, but he did understand authority. He understood that anyone who has authority over something can simply speak; and whatever/whomever he has authority over has to submit to the command.

The Centurion perceived that Jesus had authority over sickness. So when Jesus offered to go to his house to heal his servant the Centurion replied, "Oh, no Sir, you don't need to go to my house, I don't want bother you that long. Just give the order and my servant will be healed" (my version). The King James Version says, "Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed." How did Jesus respond? Jesus was amazed by his faith and said, "You may go home now. Your faith has made it happen." Right then his servant was healed.

Your words are an indicator of the condition of your heart. When you speak words of faith they become what you receive. Not because the words alone are doing anything, but because the words are coupled with the condition of your heart. Jesus said, "Your words show what's in your heart" (Luke 6:45). Conversely, when you speak words of fear, doubt, and unbelief, they become what you receive, for the same reasons. And this is a key point for someone who is stressed-out, because people who are under the weight and pressure of negative stress may not even realize what they are saying and how detrimental their negative speech may be. Without realizing it their negative words may be keeping them in their situation longer.

Jairus however, acknowledged the fact that his daughter was dying, but he turned right around and spoke words of faith and his faith (expressed through words) caused Jesus to move. We can all learn from this.

So what does this mean to you? It means that you should not underestimate the power of words. You release a message every time you open your mouth and you should be cognizant of what messages you are releasing. Your words can either release faith or fear and the enemy will turn up the heat on you every time you speak faith. His hope is that the heat will make you buckle under the pressure. We will see in this story that the pressure was turned up on Jairus. But your God is bigger than the heat! Don't allow what you see to change what you say!

Father, I realize how important my words are and I declare, by faith, that I will speak faith-filled words today and every day of my life. I am cognizant of everything that comes out of my mouth and I watch my tongue to ensure that I am saying what I want to happen. I also fill my heart with good things. I read Your Word and as Your Word comes through my eyes it gets down into my heart. I listen to Your Word and as Your Word comes through my ears it gets down into my heart. As my heart is filled with Your Word what is in me will begin to come out of me and I will speak the Word of faith in every situation. I saturate myself in You, in Your presence, and in Your Word. I am a believer and not a doubter and my words let everyone know that I am a person of faith! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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