Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Story of Jairus and His Dying Daughter (Part II)

Today's Word

(Mark 5:22-24 NIV) Then one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus, came there. Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live." So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.

Yesterday I introduced you to Jairus. He was a ruler of the synagogue. He was a man of prominence, power, and position in the community. But Jairus encountered a problem that he had no power over; he faced a challenge that was bigger than his position. What do you do when you face something you have no power over? What do you do when you are a person of prominence and position, but you face an issue that extends beyond your realm of influence? And this was no ordinary challenge.

Jairus daughter, his 12-year-old 'baby girl,' was sick; and she was not mildly sick, she was at the point of death. Daddy's little girl was about to die. If that does not cause stress, I don't know what does. To make a bad situation even worse, the one man who represented hope for his daughter was despised by his friends and co-workers. The only man who could help his daughter was public enemy #1 within his inner circle. Making a break for Jesus also meant making a break from his social circle. But Jairus had no other choice. Jesus was not only his best option, He was his ONLY option. So with that in mind he showed up at the seashore. I am sure people in the crowd recognized him and questioned within themselves what he was doing there.

The people were probably thinking was Jairus there to spy on Jesus? Was he sent there by the religious leadership to follow Jesus around? Was Jairus there to cause a scene and interrupt Jesus' ministry? Well, all those questions were answered as Jesus arrived. When Jairus started walking towards Jesus I am sure some in the crowd expected something quite different to happen. I can just imagine the surprise on their faces when Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, fell at Jesus' feet and asked Him for help. Jairus swallowed his pride in order to get his breakthrough!

Okay, now we understand all he had to get past to get to Jesus. Got it! But now Jairus is there. He is on the ground with his face at Jesus' feet. It's safe to say that he has Jesus' attention by this point. He has gotten past the embarrassment of the situation and he is ignoring the people who are staring at him. But now what? What is Jairus going to say that is going to get Jesus to intervene in his situation? What words could move Jesus to action?

If we learned anything from the woman with the issue of blood is was that FAITH MOVES GOD! In her case her faith actually STOPPED GOD in His tracks. The woman's words of faith were backed up with her action of faith, and her touch of faith loosed the power of God to heal her body. That's it! All Jairus had to do was speak the language of faith. If there is anything that got Jesus' juices going, it was faith.

One time Jesus encountered a centurion who had SO MUCH faith that he did not even need to SEE Jesus heal his servant, all he needed Jesus to do was to SAY IT! Jesus was blown away by his faith, He SAID IT, and the man's servant was healed from that moment. Now, Jairus was not at that level in his faith, but he did say this: "Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live." We will stop here for today.

So what does this mean to you ? It means that the best thing you can do when you are in a stressful situation is to speak your desired outcome, in faith, fully believing, not doubting in your heart, and your words of faith will activate God to move on your behalf. The woman, the centurion, and Jairus all spoke faith-filled words and in each case they received EXACTLY what they said! I will break this down further tomorrow.

Father, I know that faith pleases You, fear disappoints You, and doubt frustrates You. With that in mind I declare that I will speak the language of faith every day of my life. I will look at every situation through the lens of faith. Even now, even with all the challenges I may be facing, I see myself overcoming them ALL by faith. You have made me more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. I CAN do all things through the grace and the power of Christ Jesus and I WILL! I will overcome every challenge I face and when it is all said and done the enemy will regret ever messing with me. The greater the test, the greater the testimony! There is a great testimony waiting for me on the other side of this and I shall get there, I shall experience the victory, and I WILL tell my story everywhere I go! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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