Thursday, December 24, 2009

This is the last message I will send out this week. I am enjoying a special time with my family and I pray you are enjoying time with yours as well I pray that the Father would give you His grace and peace during this Christmas season.

I want to share a poem I wrote many years ago entitled, "The True Christmas Story." I pray it blesses you.

It started in the Garden of Eden, one man and one woman, that's all,
They walked with God and He with them, but this was before the fall,
They had dominion and authority; they ruled and reigned with strength,
But because of the original sin, all of their power and glory just left.

God judged the serpent, the woman, and the man, His judgment was quick and true,
They were expelled from the garden and they lost His righteous virtue,
An un-crossable gulf was created, between both God and man,
We then needed a repairer of the breech, someone to bridge the gulf's span.

In the meanwhile God setup a shadow, a system not truly His best,
It started with a man named Abraham; the Holy Spirit would become their guest,
He lived in the Holy of Holies, in the center of the temple, alone,
Man remained fallen; God remained ruling, as He sat upon the throne.

The High Priest could only visit God's presence, on the Day of Atonement, once a year,
The veil separated God's Spirit from everyone else and it stood without a tear,
But God's eternal plan was still in motion and it would begin to manifest one day,
When the angel Gabriel came to a young virgin, whose name was Mary.

She became with-child by the Spirit, a supernatural event for sure,
He was born just like you and I, a human life He chose to endure,
He walked the earth a sinless man, with pure blood running through His veins,
They hung Him high and stretched Him wide, my sin He would sustain.

They brought Him down and buried Him in someone else's tomb,
satan thought he had won, but this death would be his doom,
Three nights and three days would have to pass by,
He's alive! He's not there! Would be the woman's cry!

The veil was torn from top to bottom and the Holy Spirit was released,
So that we could be Born-Again and our old man could be deceased,
And that's what Christmas is all about, so please don't miss it my friend,
This is the Christmas message and I will preach it until the end.

Salvation came to the world, through a cross on Calvary,
He now shines ever-so-brightly, through us, for all to see,
But He could not have died a man, if He had not been born a child I say,
So please remember this as you and your family celebrate on the upcoming Christmas Day.

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