Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Honoring Your Parents

(Prov 17:25 TNIV) Foolish children bring grief to their father and bitterness to the mother who bore them.

Here Solomon repeats something for the third time. Back in chapter 10 Solomon said, “Wise children make their fathers proud of them; foolish ones bring their mothers grief” (v.1); and just four verses ago (in verse 21) he said, “It is sad to have a foolish child. The parents of a foolish person have no joy.” Solomon drives this message home again because it was obviously a problem in his time, as it is today. When I taught on the previous verses I focused more on the parent aspect of the message. This morning I will focus on the child (son and daughter) side.

While children should be respectful towards all adults and those in authority, they should especially respect and honor their parents. Unfortunately today many children don’t appreciate the sacrifices their parents make for them. I, for one, would NEVER disrespect my Parents My parents raised me and I know the many sacrifices they made for my brothers and sisters, brothers and me. My parents put our needs above their own daily. We did not have much, but they gave us all they had. I know she gave us her all and there is no way that I could ever purposefully cause them grief. My parent’s commitment to their children reminds me of a quote I often use.

A parent must do more than just have children. They must raise his children to become mature adults. It is a painful, costly, time consuming, life draining, “stay up all hours of the night” type of relationship. It is not always a joyful experience for the parent or the child. The cost is everything a parent has within them. The benefit is a Child who will honor his parent. That is exactly what my Mother did. There is nothing my brothers or sisters and I would not do for my mother and we would NEVER seek to cause her grief.

The Message Bible paraphrase of this verse reads: “A surly, stupid child is sheer pain to a father, a bitter pill for a mother to swallow.” I don’t see how anyone could purposely cause their parents pain, but I run into people all the time who say, “But, you don’t understand. My parents were not there for me. I did not have a good experience with my parents. I don’t want anything to do with them.” I can share what the Bible says about the matter. Whether the other person fulfilled their obligations or not, the Bible commands us to walk in love and His love is always ONE-SIDED. For example, my father was not there for me. He was never truly a part of my life. If anything, he did several things that hurt me, instead of helping me. But when I gave my life to Christ my Heavenly Father led me to call my earthly father and forgive him. I did and I expressed my love towards him. Why did I do that? Because that is what Christians do – we walk in the love of God towards all men; especially our parents.

So what does this mean to you? It means that you should honor your parents and you must NEVER seek to cause them grief. Whether they were great parents or not, the Bible does not give you an ‘out.’ You are commanded to honor your parents (Eph 6:1-3) and to walk in ONE-SIDED love!

Father, I thank You for Your Word this morning. Your Word teaches me to honor my father and mother and that is exactly what I will do. I will honor them while they are alive by sharing Your love with them and by living a life that will represent them well. And even after they have transitioned from the earth, I declare, that I will live a life that will honor their legacy. I operate in ONE-SIDED love towards my parents today and every day. Thank You Father, for blessing me to live in peace, honor, and respect towards my parents. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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