Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Never Driven to Despair!

(2 Cor 4:8,9 NLT) We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.

This morning we continue by continuing to discuss Paul: his life and his teachings. This is a very powerful passage. As I read these two verses over and over this morning I was reminded of the fact that I preached my first 'official' sermon (known as my "trial sermon") from it. I talked about the Timex watch company and their slogan, "They can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'."

In many ways that is what this series is all about. As believers we are not looking for trouble. We love God and when we honor Him we can fully expect to experience His best. However, even when we are walking upright, sometimes trouble comes looking for us. On those occasions, we must have the resiliency to persevere through every challenge and to overcome every obstacle. As long as we refuse to quit, the Father can see to it that the enemy's attacks backfire and work out for our good.

In the last message we looked at the words: "We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed." The Greek word translated "crushed" is also translated: distressed, suffocated and beat down. In essence Paul was saying that even if trouble comes at us from every possible side, we don't ever get to our wit's end. We are never at the point where we can't take it anymore.

Actually, in Paul's previous letter to the church in Corinth he explained to them that the Father will not allow us to face something that we can't handle (1st Cor 10:13). So if that is true (and it is), then the mere fact that we are facing something is evidence that we can handle it; that the Father trusts us with it. Glory to God for that!

Paul goes on to say, "We are perplexed, but not driven to despair." Do you know what the word perplexed means? It's kind of like watching a cartoon when you see a question mark pop up over the head of the cartoon character. When you are perplexed you basically don't understand what is going on. Now, if we develop the intimacy that we should with the Holy Spirit and if we commune with Him daily He will let us know what is going on. But the reality is that most believers don't ALWAYS hear from God. I know I don't. There are times when many of us simply don't understand what is going on. But even when we don't know what and we don't understand the why, Paul says that we can still resist despair. Webster's dictionary says that despair means: to lose all hope or confidence.

Wow! That is exactly what the devil wants us to do and exactly what the Father wants us not to do.

So what does this mean to you? A few things:

1. As a believer you must be able to take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. Even when you are knocked down, you must get right back up again. You may be knocked down, but if you persevere you will never be knocked-out!

2. There will be times when you don't understand it all. You are not sovereign or omniscient so there will be times when you simply don't understand. But even in those times you must continue to trust God so that you don't lose your hope or confidence!

3. You can handle it! The mere fact that you are facing the challenge is evidence that you can handle it, because the Father would not have allowed you to face it otherwise. So be encouraged, the Father trusts you with it! Now make Him proud by refusing to give up!

Father, I thank You for developing my spirit to be a Warrior Spirit. My resiliency is being developed daily. Even when I am knocked down, I refuse to be knocked out. I get right back up again and I continue going, I press on, I persevere.

Even if I take a lickin', I keep on tickin', because You are on me, in me, with me, and for me. You are more than the entire world against me. And Father, even when I don't know what is going on or why what is happening is happening, I resist every temptation to lose my hope and confidence. I trust You even when I don't understand. I will never get to the point of despair. I am continually encouraged by Your Word and Your Spirit! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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