Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tell Your Story

(Rom 8:28 NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose

I have been using Paul as an example for many days now, but today I want to use a modern day example of someone who has a Warrior Spirit and who epitomizes Paul's teachings. I am currently listening to the radio and I am listening to a story about a young lady. The young lady who opened up, by singing a song on eagles wings and by giving her testimony, immediately reminded me of this series when she shared her story. Her name is Theresa and she was an up and coming singer/songwriter when an impaired driver changed her life forever by driving his vehicle into her. She woke up a month later in the hospital and was given the devastating news that one of her legs had to be amputated. Theresa did not remember the accident, so all she new was that she was standing on the street corner one minute and the next thing she remembers is waking up in the hospital, only to be told she had lost her leg. She admittedly struggled with the situation. She had many questions and she thought her career (and quite possibly her life) was over. But her faith in God saw her through. Her relationship with the Father enabled her to realize that her life was not over and that it was about to head down a different direction.

Fast forward to today and Theresa is a staple on the NYC singer/songwriter circuit, she has performed throughout Europe (including Germany, Spain, England and Italy), she is a frequent visitor/performer at Walter Reed Army Hospital and other military installations, and she is an in-demand public speaker who has appeared with Hillary Clinton on health care issues. Those are just a few of the doors the Father has opened for her.

Theresa could have easily given up. I can only imagine what it is like to lose a leg. But instead of getting bitter Theresa chose to get better. She persevered, she continued on, she kept on living. Now, she admits that her life is not always easy. There are days when the reality of her loss is still hard to deal with, but she seeks inner strength from God, and by faith she continues on. Theresa has a sense of purpose and she is seeking to maximize her purpose and potential while she is in the land of the living.

Theresa also sang "Anyway" by Martina McBride. I was truly moved by her singing and I could feel the anointing on it. In many ways I can tell that she sees this as her ministry. She sang from her heart. One of the verses in the song says: "God is great, but sometimes life ain't good, and when I pray, it doesn't always turn out like I think it should, but I do it anyway, I do it anyway!"

While she was singing that song I thought of Paul when he said, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." God does not do the bad things, but He can sure use them for His glory!

So what does this mean to you? It means that you have a choice. When "life happens" and you get hit with a blow that was unexpected and maybe even devastating, you can either choose to get bitter or better.

If you decide to persevere, then God can take the bad and use it for good, for His glory and it will become part of your story!

Father, I too have a story to tell and in many ways it is still being written. I declare, by faith, that my story will be a story of faith, toughness, perseverance, and purpose. No matter what comes my way, I refuse to quit. You can take the bad and turn it around for my good and I believe that You will. I press on by faith and I am determined to maximize my purpose and potential before I die. I won't allow anyone or anything to keep me from arriving at Your desired destination for my life. Moreover, I am also determined to enjoy the ride. I will tell my story everywhere I go and I will tell it with a smile on my face! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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