Friday, August 13, 2010

What’s ‘Really’ Important?

(2 Cor 4:17, 18 NLT) For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever

This morning we continue by continuing to walk through the fourth chapter of Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth. This is a powerful passage and the message Paul relays to us here is one that is truly needed if we are going to develop and operate in a Warrior Spirit. Paul was no superman, so I am sure he had his times of frustration; we all do. I can imagine Paul, during one of his times of incarceration, thinking, “How did I get myself into this mess?” Or maybe while he was recovering from one of his physical punishments (lashings, beating, stonings, etc.) he thought, “Is this really worthy it?” Now this is merely speculation on my part, but it is not something that is hard to imagine. Being a strong believer and even one with a Warrior Spirit does not mean that you will never have thoughts of fear, doubt, or unbelief; what is means is that you are strong enough to resist them and to focus on things that really matter.

As we close out this passage and this chapter, let’s look at the last sentence:
For the things we see now will soon be gone: As I drove to work yesterday this series truly ministered to me. I was stuck in traffic, an accident made the freeway a parking lot, and a terrible storm did not make matters any better. My iphone was going off as several of my coworkers let everyone know that they were going to be late. As I sat on the highway I could see the frustration on the faces of people in other cars. Many were visibly upset. I took the opportunity to listen to worship music As I was listening to my music I thought of how temporary the situation was. Sure, the traffic was terrible, but at the end of the day all it cost us was about an half an hour. That’s it, BIG DEAL! And that’s how it is with many things down here in the earth. We make minor things MAJOR, but most of them are just temporary. BIG DEAL! This too shall pass.

But the things we cannot see will last forever: As I sat in traffic yesterday I thought, “You know, Jesus is still on the throne, the Father is still sitting on the circle of the earth, and He still has all things in and under control. Why should I get upset over something that really doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things?” Sure, the traffic situation was the “hot topic” yesterday morning at work, but by the afternoon no one even remembered it. We were too busy moving on to other things. We live on an ever-changing planet and our situations are always evolving. If we get too focused on the temporary we will never have any semblance of normalcy. The only true constant is God. If you develop a Warrior Spirit you will be able to remain fixed and focused while everything and everyone else is scurrying around as a slave to every whim.

Father, I thank You for being the only constant we have in an ever changing world. I look past the shakiness of a world that is always in flux and I look to Your constant nature for stability and strength. I don’t get overly concerned about things that will not matter in a couple of days. I focus on the eternal, not the temporary, and my focus empowers me to shine as light in the midst of darkness, as calmness in the midst of chaos, and as hope in he midst of despair! I know what is really important and I focus my efforts therein – today and every day! In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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