Thursday, April 2, 2009

Receiving Instruction

Receiving Instruction
Paulette Fraticelli

(Prov 10:8 NLT) The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces.
This morning we continue our series, " Walking in the Wisdom of God." Somehow I skipped verse 8 and taught from verse 9 yesterday. So this morning we go back to verse 8 and seek to glean from the wisdom of God through Solomon.

In this text Solomon contrasts those who are eager to receive instruction and correction with those who can't stop talking long enough to learn from anyone else. The Contemporary English Bible translation of this text says, "If you have good sense, you will listen and obey; if all you do is talk, you will destroy yourself." The quickest way up in the Kingdom of God is through humility and the quickest way down is through pride.

The person who does not receive instruction is the person who believes they know it all. I have learned over the years that the closer you get to God, the less you think of yourself. Now, let me be clear, I am not talking about having a low self-esteem. I often say that it is a sad commentary for a believer to have a low self-esteem.

No, I am talking about remaining humble. The more you know about God the more you realize how much you need Him. You know that it is only by the Grace of God that you are who you are and that if it had not been for God - working through many people to speak to you - you would not be who and where you are today. When you enter your day with that perspective you are more apt to be receptive when a word of instruction or correction comes through someone else. You don't fight the messenger, because you know that it has taken many corrections and much teaching to get you to the point where you are. If you are going to maximize your potential and purpose, in the earth, before you die, then you must remain teachable. The day you stop learning is the day you stop growing.

James said, "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry" (1:19). Being quick to listen and slow to speak is easier for some than others. By nature, I am a social person. I enjoy meaningful conversations and I am rarely at a loss for words. However, I make every effort to realize when God is attempting to teach me something through someone else. On those occasions I limit my speech and put myself in "receive mode."

I am very fortunate; the Lord has blessed me to learn from many gifted mentors. I believe He has given me favor with experienced and influential people, because I make the effort to avail myself to what they have to offer. If I am in the presence of someone whose experience far exceeds my own and that person is willing to teach me something, then the greatest thing I can do is listen.

I would be a fool - like the one Solomon mentions in this text - if I wasted these precious God-given opportunities by simply talking over the person I should be learning from. I have heard many people say that God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak. Whether that is the proper ratio or not, the point is that we must learn to maximize every learning opportunity.

So what does this mean ? A few things

1. You don't know it all. Realize your limitations and allow God to develop you.

2. Be a lifelong learner. The day you stop learning is the day you stop growing.

3. Maximize every learning opportunity. When you sense God has put you in the presence of someone who can teach you something, then put yourself in "receive mode."

4. Receive correction with gladness. You are not perfect, so God will have to send people your way, from time to time, to correct you. Make the course corrections and grow from them!

Father, I thank You for helping to keep me humble. Whenever I sense that You have placed me in the presence of someone who has something to teach me, I place myself in "receive mode." I refuse to waste divine appointments. I maximize every opportunity You give me. I remain teachable all the days of my life. I don't fight against those You send my way to correct me. I receive the correction, I apply the changes, and I stay on course to arrive at Your desired destination for my life! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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