Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Simple and the Prudent

Prov 14:18 GW) The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge
This morning we continue our series,

In this verse Solomon reiterates the fact that we, as believes, should be prudent in our affairs and he compares the life of the prudent with the life of the simple. This emphasis on knowledge or prudence vs. foolishness is a reoccurring theme in the book of Proverbs.
Solomon was the wisest man in the land and he was sought out - even by other kings - for his wisdom. He knew what it was like to operate in Godly wisdom and I am sure he had his fair share of encounters with fools. He often talked about fools in his writings, mainly warning us from becoming one.

I look the liberty of looking up some of the words from this verse in the original Hebrew. Most of them were pretty straight forward, but nevertheless, let me share with you what I found:

Simple: this word is also translated as naïve, silly, and foolish. It basically refers to a person who is easily seduced or one that lacks common sense.

Prudent: this word is also translated as shrewd, crafty, sly and sensible. It refers to a person who is careful, thorough, and thoughtful when making decisions.

Crowned: this word is also translated as encircle, encompass, surround and 'round about.' It refers to the environment a person operates in.

The words inherit and knowledge are pretty straight forward and are primarily translated as such. After looking at all the definitions, after reading this verse from several translations (I have over 30 translations on my computer), and after praying (of course), I believe Solomon is telling us that naïve or gullible people inherit and leave an inheritance foolishness, whereas the prudent operate in an environment of knowledge.

In other words, we normally produce more of the same. If we are gullible and naïve we will invariably surround ourselves with people that are gullible and naïve. We will raise our children to be gullible and naïve. We will leave an inheritance of foolishness, because our ignorance and lack of careful and deliberate thinking/planning will entrap us in a (seemingly) never-ending cycle.

On the other hand, however, the same holds true. If we are prudent and we carefully think through the consequences of every decision, we will find ourselves making good choices and one of those choices will be to surround ourselves with like-minded people. We will be encircled with and environment that is conducive to learning, growing, developing and maximizing our purpose and potential. And while it's not mentioned, we too will leave and inheritance for our children, but it will be an inheritance of intelligence and sharp minds.

So what does this mean to you? It means the Father does not want us to aimlessly wander our way through life like a fool. No, he wants us to carefully and deliberately make decisions that will take us towards His expected end for our lives. Now, some may say: "Wait a minute I thought God wanted us to live by faith." You're right. He does, but living by faith does not mean that you disregard all the knowledge the Father has blessed you to attain. While there are times where the Holy Spirit will lead you to do something that defies logic, for most part, on a daily basis, He will USE your mind, not ignore it.

Father, I thank You for blessing me with intelligence and for giving me the wisdom that enables me to be prudent in all my ways. I refuse to be gullible, naïve or simple. I will not leave and inheritance of foolishness for my children. I declare, right now, by faith, that my mind is alert and sharp, my body is awake and active, and I am ready for this day. I carefully think through the consequences of every decision. I am a thinker and a deliberate planner and I surround myself with like-minded people. I create a creative environment where I can grow and help others to grow as well! Teach me today Father. In Jesus' name. Amen!

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