Thursday, October 15, 2009

Truthful vs. False Witnesses

(Prov 14:25 NLT) A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is a traitor.

This morning we continue our series In this verse Solomon teaches us about the importance of truth and honesty in the legal system. Think about what the world would be like without any form of law. We all know that our legal system is not perfect, but it is definitely better than a world without it.

The Law helps maintain order, structure, function, and civilization. At the time of Solomon’s writings, the law in place for the Jews was the Mosaic Law (the Law of Moses). Under the Mosaic Law the accused had the right to be faced by his/her accuser and to give evidence of his/her innocence. This meant that the role of a witness – either an eyewitness or a character witness – was significant. Witnesses and their testimonies helped safeguard individuals from false accusations and it gave them the right privilege of self-defense. Since the role of the witness was (and still is today) so important, the penalty for those who perjured themselves (by lying under oath) was severe. This was so important to God that He listed it in the original 10 Commandments given to Moses. The 9th Commandment says:

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” (Ex 20:16).

The following is what the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) says about the word witness: “The main use of the word is forensic, and from this use all other applications are naturally derived. Important legal agreements required the attestation of witnesses, as in the case of the purchase of property… The Mosaic Law insisted on the absolute necessity of witnesses in all cases that came before a judge, especially in criminal cases. Not only in criminal cases, but in all cases, it was necessary to have at least two witnesses to make good an accusation against a person.” In Deuteronomy Moses said:

“On the testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to death, but no one shall be put to death on the testimony of only one witness” (17:6).

The words of Solomon in this text make more sense when we understand the setting. An honest witness in a court of law can help save the life of the falsely accused and a deceitful witness, one who misrepresents the facts, can actually help condemn the innocent. But God was clear that false witnesses would not go unpunished. If they willfully brought harm to others, they would eventually deal with the consequences of their actions. Later in Proverbs, God through Solomon said,

“A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free” (19:5). In the 24th chapter He said, “Do not testify against your neighbor without cause, or use your lips to deceive. Do not say, "I'll do to him as he has done to me; I'll pay that man back for what he did” (24:28,29).

It is clear that some bear false witness as a form of revenge, but the Lord will get the ultimate revenge. He will not allow the actions of those who ruin of the good names and characters of innocent to go unpunished.

So what does this mean to you ? It means you should tell the truth AT ALL TIMES! And it especially means that you should never bear false witness against your neighbor. The way I like to say it is: “Don’t put your mouth on anybody!” If you are going to fix your lips to say something about someone else, make sure it is: 1) True, 2) Proper, and 3) Said in love.

Father, I know You are light and in You there is no darkness at all. I know You are love and in You there is no selfishness at all. I know You are truth and in You there is no falsehood at all. I also know that I am IN YOU and that You are IN ME. Therefore, I declare, by faith, that I refuse to speak falsely against anyone. If I do say anything, about anyone else, I will be sure it is true, proper, and said in Love. I will not put my mouth on anyone. If I don’t have something good to say, I would rather not say anything about them at all. And if I am ever called to be a witness, I will speak the absolute truth! Father, as I enter this day, I do so with You love, peace, joy, and truth! I am not a liar and I refuse to speak lies. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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