Monday, June 14, 2010

(Prov 19:2 NLT) Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes.

Solomon gives us two lessons in this verse and they come in the form of a warning against ignorance and rashness. Let's discuss each:

Ignorance: Ignorance in general is not a good thing, but to make matters worse, the person Solomon speaks of this morning is the one who operates in enthusiastic ignorance. Having zeal is one thing, but having zeal for something without knowledge can be dangerous. For example, I gave my life to Christ on August 27th, 1998. On August 28th, 1998 I had a burning zeal and passion for God. This zeal motivated me to go out and tell everyone I knew, who was not a believer, that they were going to hell! Now, I was completely sincere, but you can be sincere and sincerely wrong! What was the result? I hurt people and I even lost my job. I came across the wrong way, because honestly, I did not know what I was talking about.

I knew what had happened to me, but I was ignorant of the overall Gospel message, I had no understanding of God's love yet, and I was unprepared to evangelize in love. Since then I have learned how to present the Gospel message in a loving way and the results have been much greater. Here are the take aways from this portion of the message:

1. God appreciates your passion, but He expects you to be educated concerning whatever you are endeavoring to do.

2. Zeal without information and instruction can be dangerous
"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."

3. The better prepared you are in a particular area, the more the Father can use you for His glory!

Rashness: Not only does haste make waste, but haste also often leads to mistakes. We live in an extremely fast-paced society. People today don't like waiting for anything and slowing down bothers them. We get up early, go to sleep late, and try to accomplish way too much in between. Most of us have "To Do" lists with no end in sight and our calendars are full of meetings, phone conferences, decisions that have to be made, actions that have to be done, places we need to go, and people we need to see.

Further, our desks and inboxes are full of things we need to read and when we look at it all, in addition to making sure we have time for our faith, family, and fitness, it can all seem overwhelming; which is why most Americans are always hustling and bustling. This 'need for speed' lends itself to a microwave society and a microwave mentality. . Here are the take aways from this portion of the message:

1. Don't sacrifice quality for quickness. If you do it fast, it will probably NOT be right.

2. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your God to slow down long enough to make quality decisions and to ENJOY life.

3. Take the time to ensure all you do right. You are not working for man, you are working for God!
So what does this mean to you ? Don't be ignorant zealot and give matters the time they deserve.

Father, thank You for this lesson this morning. I receive it in my heart and head. I declare, by faith, that I will speak from a position of understanding. I rule over my emotions and I don't allow my emotions to rule over me. I won't allow empty zeal to take me where the Holy Spirit will not protect me. I represent You well in all that I do. Furthermore, to ensure that I operate as an able ambassador for Your Kingdom, I will slow down long enough to give matters the attention they require. I will do things right - every time - because I know I am doing all that I do FOR YOU and not for man. As You walk with me and as I make these minor adjustments, I believe You will get maximum glory from my life! In Jesus' name. Amen!

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