Friday, November 6, 2009

The Benefits of Godly Parenting

(Prov 15:5 GNB) It is foolish to ignore what your parents taught you; it is wise to accept their correction.

This morning we continue our series, In this verse Solomon shares something with us that I believe was near and dear to his heart. Solomon had a Dad that taught him well, that poured into his life, and that did all that he could to prepare Solomon for his life’s assignment. It is blatantly obvious that David’s teaching made a great impact in Solomon’s life. Back in chapter four Solomon said:

My father taught me, “Take my words to heart. Follow my commands, and you will live. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them” (4:4,5).
From those words and the many other documented teachings of David we know that David emphasized the importance of learning and applying God’s wisdom (His Word). No doubt David drove this home with Solomon every chance he got. As a father David knew that he was responsible before God to do all that he could to prepare Solomon to be successful. Furthermore, the Lord had already revealed to David what his son’s life assignment was. Solomon was born for the throne.

The Lord said to David: “Your son whom I will put on the throne in your place will build the temple for my Name” (1st Kings 5:5). With this in mind David attempted to prepare Solomon from ‘day one.’ David knew that the key ingredient to Solomon’s success would be to operate in the wisdom of God. That’s why David told Solomon to “Get wisdom,” and here, after many years, Solomon shares with us what his father shared with him.

David’s teachings were so ingrained in Solomon that I am sure that he shared them with us from the top of his memory. I believe what Solomon shared with us back in chapter four – the emphasis on wisdom – is the teaching that had the greatest impact on his life. I say this because it was, in my opinion, this teaching that led Solomon to make the greatest decision he ever made.

In 1st Kings chapter three we find Solomon in a semi-vulnerable state. King David had recently died and Solomon was still a young man. He was concerned about assuming the throne (and the responsibility that came with it) at such a young age. The Lord spoke to him through a dream and said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you" (v.5). This was Solomon’s golden opportunity. He was young, he was in charge, he was somewhat afraid, and he was seeking God for help. God told him what we all want to hear: “Ask for whatever you want!”

While most of us would have rattled off a laundry list of selfish desires, young Solomon heeded the instruction of his father and what he asked for would have made David proud. I am sure the words of his father echoed through his heart as he said, “Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong" (v.9).

Wow. Solomon had maturity beyond his years. He did not ask for fame or fortune, he asked for wisdom and understanding; for help in carrying out the duties of the office that he had been charged with. Solomon did what his father told him to do – he pursued wisdom!

So what does this mean to you? We will answer this question on two fronts. For sons and daughters it means that we should heed the instruction of our parents. Just yesterday I was sharing with someone one of the many life-lessons my mother taught me. My mother used to say, “If you don’t give yourself importance, no one else will.” Those words sparked a pretty lengthy conversation and it was because I still honor the instruction of my mother. For parents it means that you should never underestimate the impact God can make in the lives of your children through you.

Trust God and ask Him to help you parent your children in such a way that you are able to prepare them for their life’s assignment.

Father, as a Daughter , I thank You for blessing me to receive instruction from my parents. I will not ignore what they taught me and I am eternally thankful for all You have poured into me through them. As a parent I take my parenting responsibilities seriously and I know that You can make a great impact in the lives of my children through me. I declare, by faith, that You lead, guide, and direct me with Godly wisdom In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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