Wednesday, November 4, 2009

God Sees Everything!

(Prov 15:3 NIV) The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

This morning we continue our series In this verse Solomon takes a brief departure from teaching on the importance of our words to remind us that God is everywhere and that He is watching everything that happens – both good and bad. The Message Bible reads:

“GOD doesn't miss a thing—he's alert to good and evil alike.”

I was in church one day when a preacher said, “Let’s say that Jesus came to visit you this week. Let’s say He decided to walk with you everywhere you went. He went with you to every meeting, every meal, to the gym, to the bathroom, and etc. Furthermore, Jesus sat with you while you watched television and He watched everything you decided to watch, heard everything you said, and got a first-hand account of the way you treated everyone you dealt with.

Do you think you would do anything different this week than you normally do? If Jesus Himself were with you, would you have to change your schedule? Would you have to alter your routine? But wait, it gets better. What if Jesus told you, as He was walking with you, that He was reading your mind; that He had the ability to not only observe what you did, but discern what you thought.

How would that make you feel? Would you fight the impulses to think about some of the things you routinely think about? Would you force yourself to think good thoughts? How different would your life be this week if Jesus were with you every step and every thought of the way?” I can tell you that I took those words to heart. The questions that preacher asked that day stuck with me and I knew I needed to make some changes. I pray they make the same impact in you.

The reality is that God is everywhere and He knows everything. Nothing is hidden from Him. He is keeping watch over every word, act, thought, and motive. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before Him. The writer of Hebrews said,

“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes, and He is the One to whom we are accountable” (4:13).
Did you get that? One of the points behind reminding us that God knows everything is to highlight the fact that we are (and also will be) accountable to Him for our actions, thoughts, and motives.

Matthew Henry had this to say about this verse: “The great truths of divinity are of great use to enforce the precepts of morality, and none more than this - That the eye of God is always upon the children of men… An eye to discern all, not only from which nothing can be concealed, but by which every thing is actually inspected, and nothing overlooked.”

Solomon’s father (David) wrote an entire Psalm about the reality of this truth. David wrote of God’s omniscience (the fact that He knows all things), His omnipresence (the fact that He is everywhere at the same time), and His omnipotence (the fact that He has all power). After realizing all of this, David concluded the psalm with these words

: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (verses 23 & 24).

So what does this mean to you ? Two things:
1) it means that God knows everything about you and the fact that He still desires to use you for His glory should cause you to want praise Him and to change your ways to please Him;
2) it means that God will see to it that the wicked reap what they sow; don’t overly concern yourself with that.

Father, I thank You for knowing everything about me and still having a desire to use me for Your glory. Thank You for looking past my faults, flaws, and failures. Your goodness makes me want to do better and I declare that I will make every attempt to do so. I know You will be with me today as I enter every meeting, You will hear every word from every phone call, and You will carefully observe the way I treat others. Holy Spirit, use me to do all that I do to the Glory of the Father. I want to be pleasing in Your sight! In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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