Monday, March 23, 2009

Lady Wisdom vs. Ms. Foolishness

Lady Wisdom vs. Ms. Foolishness

Paulette Fraticelli

(Prov 9:13-16 NIrV) The woman called Foolishness is loud. She doesn't control herself. She doesn't know anything. She sits at the door of her house. She sits at the highest point of the city. She calls out to those who pass by. She calls out to those who go straight on their way. She says, "Let all who are childish come in here!" She speaks to those who have no sense.

This morning we continue I am back from Maui In our last message Solomon told us that our decisions do matter. He made it clear that we can benefit from listening to Lady Wisdom or suffer by ignoring her. We can add days to our lives by living upright before God or we can cut your lives short by disregarding His counsel. In this passage, after teaching us so much about Lady Wisdom, Solomon names the other choice. He calls her Ms. Foolishness and she is a polar opposite to Lady Wisdom. While Lady Wisdom is poised, controlled, and a woman of few - but powerful - words, Ms. Foolishness is loud, unruly and clueless. She is on the road to nowhere and she attempts to take as many people with her as possible.While Lady Wisdom waits for true seekers to find her, in order that they might tap into her endless insight, Ms. Foolishness has loose lips. She sits at the highest point of the city and calls out to all those that pass by. Her counsel - although it's not worth much - is readily available and freely given; oftentimes without solicitation. She says, "Let all who are childish come in here," and the amazing part is that they do. Our text says that she speaks to those who have no sense and she has no shortage of followers.

While Lady Wisdom rarely encounters someone who is dedicated to spending time at her feet, hanging on to every word that flows from her mouth, Ms. Foolishness leads a full flock. Her house is filled with people that either
1) don't know any better or
2) know better, but just don't want to do better.

Please don't be one of them. Make the right choice. Follow Lady Wisdom. While it takes more effort to find Lady Wisdom and to get her to speak, when she does her words are power-packed and life changing. Anyone can find Ms. Foolishness and she will speak, even if not spoken to, but her words will not lead you anywhere and will leave you dazed and confused.

Make a decision on which one you will spend time with. Ms. Foolishness is easy to find. She shows up everywhere and she speaks about any and everything. Her words are scattered, silly and sloppy. She might keep you entertained, but while you are lulled in her entertainment you are not making any progress in life. Days turn into months and months into years and before you know it, you are squandering your life away. Now, Lady Wisdom on the other hand, she can make a difference in your life. She is harder to find. It will require effort on your part and she will not speak freely. You will have to spend time with her to get her to speak, but once she does, her words can change your life forever. Her words are purposeful, positive and powerful.

She chooses her words wisely and she gives you the insight you need to WIN in life. The time you spend with her is precious and it should be cherished. She is willing to share her counsel with all those that are ready to change their lives for the better. Are you one of them? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to start to live the rest of your life passion? If you are ready to do your part, then Lady Wisdom is ready to do hers. She will lead you in the way that you should go.

Father, I thank You for giving me the right and responsibly to make my own decisions. I know that I have a choice between Lady Wisdom and Ms. Foolishness and I declare, by faith, that I choose Lady Wisdom today. I know she is not easy to find, but I will pursue her with my whole heart. I will find her wherever she is and I will spend the time with her that I need to, to make a difference in my life. She speaks and I listen. I receive, believe and apply her counsel. I make the course corrections she leads me to make to stay on the path You want me to be on. I am on the road to fulfilled purpose and Lady Wisdom is my guide! It all starts today! It all starts right NOW! In Jesus' name. Amen.

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