Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Wise Daughter

This is my mom and my youngest sister.

A Wise Daughter

Paulette Fraticelli

(Prov 10:1 GNB) These are Solomon's proverbs: Wise children make their fathers proud of them; foolish ones bring their mothers grief.

This morning we continue Walking in the Wisdom of God." We started this series several months ago and I pray you have been blessed by it thus far. It has taken us a long time to get here, but believe it or not, we have just covered the introduction.

The first 9 chapters of the book of Proverbs is considered Solomon's introduction to the book. From here on out we start to get into the traditional proverbs - the short sayings with powerful meanings.

In the case of the Book of Proverbs, they are eternal truths, captured for us to read, apply and benefit from. In chapters 10-16 we find verses that are mostly antithetic; meaning that they contain a parallel arrangement of contrasting ideas. In our text, the first of the antithetic proverbs, Solomon says, "Wise children make their fathers proud of them; foolish ones bring their mothers grief." In his introduction (chapters 1-9) Solomon made it painstakingly clear that our lives are a grand-sum-total of our decisions. We are where we are today, in life, because of the decisions we have made. As he goes on to lay out a series of parallel choices, he offers to us opposing truths with opposing consequences.

In this text the choice is made by children (sons and daughters) and the consequences are either good or bad for the parents. However, this does imply that the parents did their part.

They trained their children in the way that they should go (Prov 22:6), they instructed them in righteousness, and they lived their lives as godly examples before their children. Having done their part, they have every right to believe and expect their children to walk in the way of the Master. The children, then, must make their choice: to walk in wisdom and make their parents proud, or to ignore Godly counsel and cause their parents grief.I did not know this scripture growing up, but I lived the principle daily.

My Parents worked hard to raise me, to live a righteous example although I fought it a lot growing up. I realized later that my parents taught me the value of hard work, of making an honest living, and of abstaining from all vices.

When I was a teenager most of the kids I grew up with got involved in selling drugs mostly pot and speed. They repeatedly offered me jobs where I could earn quite a large sum of money, but I rejected their offers.

So what does this mean? It means that as a daughter (son) you have a choice to make. You can either bring honor or dishonor to your parents. You can either submit to or reject what they have taught you. It doesn't matter how old you are or whether or not your parents are still alive, what you do today can either be a tribute to their legacy or a disservice to their name.

Make the right choice. Honor your parents; it is the right thing to do! (Eph 6:1).
Father, I thank You for teaching me Your Word in many different ways. I receive the preached Word from the pulpit. I receive the taught Word in Bible Study and via the internet. And I read Your Word for myself for instruction, inspiration, and edification. Your Word gives me wisdom and Your wisdom enables me to be the daughter (or son) that You desire for me to be. I bring honor, not dishonor, to my parents. I make them proud and I never cause them grief. What I do today is a tribute to their legacy and I pray that You bless them for the sacrifices they made for me! In Jesus' name. Amen.

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