Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you a Reliable Representative?

(Prov 13:17 GNB) Unreliable messengers cause trouble, but those who can be trusted bring peace.

This morning we continue our series In Solomon's day, a king had to rely on messengers to get information out about his kingdom. He did not have television, radio, the internet, a Facebook page, Twitter, or any of the modern media vehicles through which to share information. Furthermore, he did not have a telephone or a video teleconference suite to be able speak directly with foreign heads of state.

I know this may seem archaic to us today, but Solomon actually had to use messengers to get his strategic message out and to serve as negotiators for his kingdom. Obviously, the reliance upon these messengers made the selection of them vitally important.

They had to be absolutely trustworthy. Inaccurate information could lead to bloodshed. If a messenger allowed his emotions to get the best of him, while negotiating with a foreign head of state, the results could be disastrous for both nations. Solomon needed to know that when he sent a messenger out with a message that the messenger would both reliably relay the message and responsibly represent the spirit in which it was sent.

The King James Version reads: “A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.” The word ambassador is fitting here. An ambassador is sent to represent his parent nation within a host nation. The role of the ambassador is to establish relationships within the host nation, while maintaining his integrity and loyalty to his parent nation.

When communication is sent from the parent nation, the ambassador is to communicate that information, no matter how pleasant or objectionable it might be. Additionally, the ambassador is to represent that information, as if it were his own, whether he agrees with it or not. The ambassador cannot allow his personal opinion to disrupt or dilute the message of the parent nation.

So what does this mean to you ? Why is this important? It is important because the same holds true for you. You may not hold the title, “Ambassador,” but you may be asked to serve as representative regularly. Both in the ministry and in the marketplace, having the ability to represent your leadership is sought-after quality.

Let’s talk marketplace first. At work, leaders are always looking for reliable people they can trust to represent their organization in dealings with external organizations. Leaders need to know that you will be faithful to relay the message you are asked to relay and to represent the character and spirit of your organization. If you prove yourself trustworthy, you will be asked to do more and God will be able to use you in greater ways.

Remember, God did not save you from a burning hell just so you can sing songs on Sunday. He wants you to grow where you have been planted – wherever that may be. He wants to bless the work of your hands, so that you can move up and have greater influence. The greater your influence, the more He can use you to do in the marketplace. He called us to GO, not to WAIT.

Most Christians are waiting for unbelievers to come to church, but God sent us to GO, to infiltrate, to make a difference in the world, not just the church. This leads me to the ministry side of it. From a ministry perspective, you are actually called an “Ambassador for Christ” (2nd Cor 5:20).

The Father needs to know that you can be trusted to share the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost. Once He knows that you can, He will setup divine appointments for you.

Are you ready and capable to represent God today? Can He trust you to relay His message? If so, get ready for some divine appointments!

Father, I declare, by faith, that I will represent both You and my secular leadership in a trustworthy fashion today and every day. I prove myself to be reliable and responsible. I share what I am expected to share and I refuse to allow my emotions or personal opinions to detract, dilute, or disrespect the spirit of the message I am asked to communicate. I am not a messenger who causes trouble, I am an ambassador who brings and maintains peace. I am a peacemaker and not a peace-breaker. Use me Father for Your glory! In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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