Friday, September 18, 2009

The Fear of the Lord

(Prov 14:2 TNV) Whoever fears the LORD walks uprightly, but those who despise him are devious in their ways.

This morning we continue our series, in this verse Solomon goes back to a reoccurring theme in scripture as he discusses the fear of the Lord. He explains how those that fear God walk uprightly. They don’t just simply give their God lip service, they seek to please Him in all their ways. While those who despise or disregard God are simply devious in their ways. Once again, not just in their words, but in their ways, in their actions.

The Psalmist said, “How joyful are those who fear the LORD—all who follow His ways!” (Psalm 128:1). I keep driving home the word “ways,” because it is key. Many claim (with their lips) to serve God. Many claim to have a personal and intimate relationship with Him. But it comes down to actions.

There was an instance where Jesus was having a conversation with the religious leadership of His time and He said, “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote, ‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me’ ” (Matthew 15:7,8). Anyone can say that they love God, but those that fear Him will show it.

Now, I keep using the word “fear,” and I believe I need to explain it, because I am not making a reference to the emotion that is aroused by impending danger. That’s not it at all.

The word fear, within the context of Solomon’s teaching, is a reverential awe or respect. Let me give you an example. I was raised in Hawaii by my mother. She worked hard she helped many other family members as well. My mother was (and is) highly respected within our family and within the circles we associate with. Although our community was pretty small and everyone knew I was my mother’s child (poor lady).

Everything I did, good or bad, was a reflection on my mother. She taught me, with her words and actions, what it meant to live upright. She taught me about things that are not talked about much today, like: honor, integrity, respect, courtesy, dignity, and the like. She always cautioned me to think before I acted, because she knew that my actions would be connected to her.

And guess what? It worked! I can remember thinking, on countless occasions, when posed with opportunities to do wrong, “How is this going to reflect upon my mother?” And since I feared her, I chose to do right (at least most of the time). Now, this was not a type of fear where I was afraid of punishment. I simply respected my mother, her name, her character, and her reputation too much to do anything that would taint it. This is the type of fear Solomon is talking about.

So what does this mean to you ? It means that your actions are sending a message. They either say, “I fear my Lord. I respect Him enough to walk upright before Him and man. I refuse to do anything that will dishonor, disrespect, or defame Him!” Or they say, “I am my own man. I do my own thing. I have no regard for God or anyone else.” Like with anything else, the choice is yours, but just remember, you will reap the harvest of whatever you decide.

Father, I declare, right now, with a clear conscious and clean hands, that I fear You. I revere and respect You. I know You are flawless in all Your ways. I know Your name is righteous and pure. I know Your ways are upright and true. You are my God and I worship You. But I don’t just do it with my lips. I will honor You with my life. I will bring You glory with my actions. I will walk upright before You and man. I will make decisions that line up with You Word. I will walk in integrity, honor, virtue, righteousness, truth, and peace. I remember who I am and whose I am before I make decisions today and every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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